It was a good run. You gave it your all. A lot of dedication and commitment. You went all over Texas. You spoke to many people. You ran one hell of a campaign. You did your best and that’s all we needed as Texans. Someone who would stand up for us. For the little guy, for the despondent, for the right to make Texas better and bring it into the 21st century. But alas, Texans would rather settle for less. They would rather have Texas not live up to its full potential. You tried and that’s all we asked for. Texas is not ready for the change we so desperately need. They are not ready to have better pay for teachers, fix our crumbling roads and bridges, sensible gun laws, expanding unions and the minimum wage, legalizing marijuana, to expand mental health and healthcare coverage, the right for a woman to make her own healthcare decisions, to face the problems we so desperately need to address in our communities and all throughout Texas. People have become complacent with the horrible state we are in. It’s sad that people would vote against their best interests instead of electing someone who is competent and stable when it comes to running our state. Against making this great state, third rate compared to the rest of our union. Beto you ran a great campaign. You gave it your all. You were locked in and ready to seize the moment. If only Texans were ready for what you had to offer we would’ve been in a much better place. People are not ready for that. Thank you Mr. O’rourke for caring enough to actually go all over the state, to make your voice heard and most importantly speak with the voters. Your tried and true and willing to speak with anyone regardless of their political views. It’s a shame that you traveled back and forth only for the electorate to not vote for you. It’s a shame that Texas is so backwards. It’s a sad day for Texas. Thank you sir for putting up “the good fight,” and always trying to help our great state. I will never forget you or this campaign whatsoever. Everything you tried to do in this campaign was done so well and to the level of excellence. In the end Texas decided to vote against someone as great as you. Good luck, Mr. O’rourke on your future endeavors. Godspeed. You sure did give ’em hell and ran such a great campaign. Mr. O’rourke I do not know what the future holds for you politically but I do know one thing. You are such an articulate, well spoken and well-rounded politician and individual, that quite honestly the world is yours. I still know that you will have a lasting impact on generations to come. This is the start of a new chapter in your life and I know with the talent and skills you posses you can go on to do such monumental and great things. Don’t get discouraged. I sill have hope for Texas. I sill have hope for this great nation of ours. It’s not like you didn’t try. No. You threw your hat in the ring and went all in on this campaign. What you accomplished and did on this campaign speaks volumes. I am proud of you Beto. Your spirit and tenacity only proves that with enough courage and engagement you can do anything. Thank you for not giving up on Texas. And thank you for running another long, arduous campaign. Thank you for all the hours you traveled and time you spent on the campaign trail. In the end you may have lost. But you have paved the way and given courage to the ever growing Democratic Movement in the state of Texas. Though we face another four years of Abbott I know the good fight is still on. I know one day Texas will be blue. You will forever be remembered as a crucial piece in turning Texas blue. Adios Mr. O’Rourke. You did one hell of a job. You kept your opponent on the ropes. And you ran one heck of a campaign.
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